The Ten Top Castle Tours

The castles found in Europe are each note-worthy and deserving of their own fairy tale. These historical pieces of architecture have outlived conflicts, fires, and many decades, and have remained standing. From the Islands in Greece to the cliffs in Scotland, every single castle has a unique history, and some may even have some ghosts lurking about

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What Makes a Perfect Honeymoon?

Let’s not overlook the unforgettable honeymoon vacation that comes after the “I do’s”. These days more and more cruise lines and vacation resorts are catering to newlyweds by offering special honeymoon deals with lots of romantic extras. What is certain is that honeymooners are searchin

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Explore North, South, and Central America and the Caribbean

You will find significant cultural diversity, as well as spectacular landscapes, throughout the many different countries that make up the Americas and the Caribbean, from the northern tip of Canada to Cape Horn in the south. Relish the laid-back lifestyle of all Caribbean islands, while noting the range of languages and cultures that speak to the

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From Where Did Water Fountains Originate?

Himself a learned man, Pope Nicholas V headed the Roman Catholic Church from 1397 till 1455 and was responsible for the translation of scores of ancient texts from their original Greek into Latin. It was imperative for him to embellish the city of Rome to make it worthy of being called the capital of the Christian world. Restoration of the Acqua Ve

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The Beautiful First Wonders by Bernini

The Barcaccia, Bernini's very first fountain, is a striking chef d'oeuvre built at the foot of the Trinita dei Monti in Piaza di Spagna. To this day, this area is flooded with Roman locals and tourists alike who enjoy debate and each other's company. Bernini would without a doubt have been happy to know that people still flock to what has become on

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